WCI Ronanstown- Bealtaine Workshop

by | May 10, 2023 | WCI Events, Home Events

WCI Ronanstown are delighted to announce that as part of Bealtaine Festival this year they have a Flowers & Fun Workshop with facilitator Louise Pedreschi from Designs by Louise

On Thursday the 18th of May from 2.00pm – 4.00pm in Women’s Collective Ireland – Ronanstown Cost: €5.00 for materials.

About the workshop:
🟢All good floral design relies on the proper conditioning of flowers. In this creative workshop you will learn how to treat , handle and choose supermarket bunches , and how to maximise their beauty and increase vase life.
🟢Learn a wiring technique that you can apply to numerous designs.
🟢Learn how to make a whopper bow.
🟢Bring along a small vase/ jar to take your flowers home in and a scissors that you’re comfortable using.

To register please phone text or whats app
087 398 1477 or email ronanstown@womenscollective.ie
Places are limited.




WCI Ronanstown- Bealtaine Workshop

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